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Download PDF handouts of past presentations, webinars, and related research on the following tests and topics.
The Naglieri General Ability Tests—Verbal (Naglieri & Brulles, 2021), Nonverbal (Naglieri, 2021), and Quantitative (Naglieri & Lansdowne, 2021)—were developed as online assessments to accurately measure student ability for gifted educational programs using local norms.
Designed to measure cognitive processing abilities that are important for a broad range of differential diagnoses and instructional planning, the Cognitive Assessment System, Second Edition (CAS2) is a norm-referenced measure based on the well-researched cognitive neuropsychological theory of intelligence called PASS (Planning, Attention, Simultaneous, and Successive).
A behavior rating scale designed to evaluate goal-directed behaviors controlled by executive function in youth aged 5–18 years. The CEFI can be used to guide assessment, diagnosis, and treatment planning. The CEFI is also useful in a variety of research contexts and can be used as an effective tool to evaluate the success of an intervention program.
The ASRS provides the first nationally standardized, norm-referenced ASD Rating Scale. This multi-informant measure is designed to help you identify symptoms, behaviors, and associated features of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) in children and adolescents ages 2 to 18.
The DESSA Comprehensive System is comprised of two innovative rating scales designed to screen, assess, guide intervention planning, monitor progress, and evaluate outcomes related to social-emotional competence and resilience of students grades K-8.
Helping All Gifted Children Learn: A Teacher's Guide to Using the NNAT2 supports teachers and school administrators in their efforts to identify giftedness in their students, create gifted services that respond to the needs of those students, and help gifted students learn in any school setting.
The NNAT provides a nonverbal, culturally neutral assessment of general ability that is ideal for use with a diverse student population. With the use of progressive matrices for seven grade-based levels, this versatile test is well-suited for identifying gifted and talented students.
A nonverbal measure of ability for anyone. Specially designed for culturally and linguistically diverse groups.
The WNV is ideal for psychologists who need a nonverbal measure of ability for individuals who are neither English-language nor Spanish-language proficient or have other language considerations.
Discover a collection of handouts covering a wide range of topics, designed to provide valuable information and support for educators, parents, and professionals.
Interactive workshops that explain how a brain-based approach detects different profiles of neurocognitive strengths and weaknesses for individuals with ADHD and SLD.
Naglieri, J. (2020) Behavioral and Cognitive Assessment of Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J.A. (2019,Oct). Uncovering the Behavioral and Cognitive Aspects of Autism Spectrum. NYASP (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J.A. (2020, March). Comprehensive Evaluation of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Webinar (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J.A. (2014, July). Autism Spectrum Disorder- Theory, assessment and practical inventions. (pdf)
DownloadPASS Neurocognitive Theory of Intelligence: Assessment, Eligibility Determination and Intervention (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J.A. (2022) SLD Eligibility Using a Pattern of Strengths and Weaknesses (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J.A. (2022) Equitable Assessment Using the PASS Theory & Cognitive Assessment System 2nd (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J.A. (2021) PASS Theory and the CAS2: The Key To Equitable Assessment (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J. & Otero, T. (2021) Using the PASS Theory and CAS2 for Assessment of Dyslexia & Other (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri,J.A. (2021) Brain Function & Learning Disorders: From Assessment to Intervention Using PASS (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J.A. (2020) PASS Theory & Cognitive Assessment System- 2nd Edition. (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J.A. (2020) SLD Eligibility using A Pattern of Strengths and Weaknesses: A Simple Solution (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J.A. (2020). Moving Beyond IQ to More Effective Assessment of Cognitive Processes, NASP. (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J. & Otero, T. (2019) Intellectual Assessment as a Social Justice Issue, CE Workshop, IL. (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J.A. & Feifer, S. (2019, April). Using the Discrepancy Consistency Method for SLD Identifi (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J.A. (2019, March). How to Use a Pattern of Strengths and Weaknesses in PASS Neurocognitiv (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J.A. (2019, March). The Myth of IQ- 100 Years of Misconception. (TSP) NASP. Atlanta, GA. (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J.A. (2019, March). The Myth of IQ- 100 Years of Misconception. NASP. Atlanta, GA. (pdf)
DownloadOtero, T.M. & Naglieri, J.A. (2019, March). Cognitive Assessment as a Social Justice Issue. NASP. Atlanta, GA. (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J.A. (2019, Feb). How to Use a Pattern Strengths and Weaknesses in PASS Neurocognitive Processes for SLD Identification and Intervention Planning. SWEP 2019. Dallas, TX. (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J.A. (2019, Feb). How to Use a Pattern Strengths and Weaknesses in PASS Neurocognitive Processes for SLD Identification and Intervention Planning. SWEP 2019. Dallas, TX. (Breakout Session Handout) (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J.A. (2018, December). How to Use a Pattern of Strengths and Weaknesses in PASS Neurocognitive Processes for SLD Identification and Intervention Planning. TEDA Annual Conference 2018. Waco, TX. (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J.A., & Feifer, S.G. (2018, October). A Neuropsychological Approach for Identifying and Remediating Specific Learning Disabilities. NYASP Annual Conference. Lake Placid, New York. (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J.A. (2018, April). Planning, Attention, Simultaneous and Successive (PASS)- A Neurocognitive Approach to Defining and Measuring Intelligence. University of Alberta. Edmonton, AB, Canada. (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J.A. & Feifer, S. G. (2017, February). A Process Oriented Approach for Identifying and Remediating Specific Reading Disabilities. NASP 2017. San Antonio, TX. (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J.A. & Moreno, M. (2016, November). Cognitive Assessment System 2- Espanol- From PASS Theory to Neurocognitive Assessment. San Juan, PR. (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J.A. (2016, November). Interventions Based on Neurocognitive Strengths and Weaknesses. NYASP. Rochester, NY. (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J.A. (2016, October). SLD Identification Using a Pattern of Strengths and Weaknesses in Basic Psychological Processes. CASP Convention 2016. Newport Beach, CA. (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J.A. (2016, March). PASS Neurocognitive Theory as measured by CAS2. (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J.A. (2016, February). SLD Determination Using a Pattern of Strengths and Weaknesses in PASS as measured by CAS2. NASP 2016 Annual Conference. New Orleans, Louisiana. (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J.A. (2015,October). SLD Identification Using a Pattern of Strengths and Weaknesses in Basic Psychological Processes (PASS) as measured by CAS2. Texas Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention. San Antonio, Texas. (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J.A. (2015, August). The Evolution of Intelligence and Intelligence Tests- We Can and Must do Better. 2015 APA Convention, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (pdf)
DownloadCAS2, CAS2 Brief and CAS2 Rating Scale (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J.A. (2015, January) New Approaches to Assessment of Intelligence, Specific Learning Disability, ADHD, and Autism. Australian Psychological Society, Toowoomba Branch. (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J.A. (2014, May) Think Smart- Using Brain Science to Redefine Intelligence for 21st Century Learners. Learning & the Brain, New York, NY. (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J.A. (2014, February). Cognitive Assessment System Second Edition Symposium. NASP 2014 Convention, Washington, D.C. (pdf)
DownloadCAS2 Online Report (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J.A. (2022) Comprehensive Assessment of Executive Function: From Theory to Practice (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri,J.A. (2015, October) Executive Function- The Key to Thinking Smart and how to Facilitate it. NYASP 2015 Conference.Verona, New York. (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J.A. (2015) Evaluation of Executive Functioning using a Fourdimensional Model- From Assessment to Intervention. VASP Fall Conference. Williamsburg, Virginia. (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J.A. (2015) Executive Function- From Theory to Assessment and Effective Classroom Instruction. NASP. Orlando, Florida. (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J.A. (2014, May) Making Connections between Executive Function, IQ, Intelligence, and Instruction. Fordham University's 6th Annual Betty Finn Assessment. New York, New York. (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J.A. (2013, November). Executive Function- From Theory to Assessment and Effective Classroom Instruction. Learning and the Brain, King of Prussia, PA; New Rochelle, NY; College Park, MD. (pdf)
DownloadGoldstein, S., & Naglieri, J.A. (2013) Comprehensive Executive Function- Product Overview. (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J.A. (2022). Using Executive Function to Improve Learning in and Beyond the Classroom (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J.A. (2021) We Needed Executive Function During COVID- 19 and Still Do (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J. (2020) Multidimensional Assessment of Executive Function Across the Life Span. (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J.A. (2019, March) Multidimensional Assessment of Executive Function- Cognition, Behavior, Social-Emotional, Academics, & Impairment. San Antonio, TX. (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J.A. (2018, October) NYASP Executive Function or Functions. Lake Placid, New York. (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J.A. (2018, October) Multidimensional Assessment of Executive Function- Cognition, Behavior Academics, & Impairment. NYASP Annual Conference. Lake Placid, New York. (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J.A. (2018, June) Executive Function- From Theory to Assessment and Effective Classroom Instruction. Fort Worth, Texas. (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J.A. (2018, January) A Five Dimensional Model of Executive Function- Cognition, Behavior, Social-Emotional, Academics, & Impairment! Stanislaus County Association of School Psychologists. (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J.A. (2017, November) A Five Dimensional Model of Executive Function- Cognition, Behavior, Social-Emotional, Academics, & Impairment. Arizona Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference 2017. Phoenix, Arizona. (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J.A. (2017, September) A Five Dimensional Model of Executive Function- Cognition, Behavior, Social-Emotional,Academics, & Impairment! Indianapolis, ID. (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J.A. (2017, August) Using CEFI and CAS2 to measure Behaviors related to Executive Function and More! Bakersfield, CA. (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J.A. (2015, June). Assessment of Social Emotional Skills Using the DESSA and DESSA-mini- From Universal Screening to Instruction. (pdf)
DownloadLeBuffe, P.A., & Naglieri, J.A. (2014, February). Integrating RTI and SEL- Tools for School Psychologists. NASP 2014 Convention, Washington, D.C. (pdf)
DownloadChucking Strategy for Multiplication (pdf)
DownloadChunking for Reading:Decoding.pdf (pdf)
DownloadGraphic Organizers for Connecting and Remembering Information (pdf)
DownloadHow to Be Smart (pdf)
DownloadMnemonics for Spelling (pdf)
DownloadNurturing Strengths:Simultaneous Processing (pdf)
DownloadOvercoming Problems with Inattention (pdf)
DownloadPlans for Basic Math Facts (pdf)
DownloadPlans for Remembering (pdf)
DownloadSegmenting Words for Reading:Decoding and Spelling (pdf)
DownloadSimultaneous Processing Explained (pdf)
DownloadTeaching Students About Attention (pdf)
DownloadUsing Plans of Overcome Anxiety (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J. (2022). How Intelligence Tests have Influenced Diversity in Gifted Programs (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J., Brulles, D.& Landsdowne,K. (21) High Ability Students Who are Not Yet Achieving Highly (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J., Brulles, D., & Landsdowne, K. (2021) Equitable Gifted Identification (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J. & Lansdowne, K. (2021) Equitable Identification of Gifted Students in the Era of BLM (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J. (2021) Social Justice, IQ tests and Identification of GiftedStudents. NASP. (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J. (2020, Oct) Equitable Identification of Gifted Students in the Era of BLM. NYASP. (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J. (2020). The Elephant in the Room:Room. VAGifted Summer Seminar. (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J. & Brulles, D. (2020, Feb). Is Gifted Identification a Social Justice Issue? AASA. (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, Brulles, & Lansdowne. (2019, Nov). Elephant in the Room. NAGC. (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, Jack A. ( 2018, Nov). "Practical Solutions to Identify all Gifted and Talented Students." (pdf)
DownloadNNAT®2 Scores with and Without a Time Limit. Pearson Psychometric & Research Services. January 2013. (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, Jack A. (2016). "The Importance of Identifying Diverse, Gifted Learners- and how to do it!" TAGT 2016 Convention. Dallas, TX. (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, Jack A. (2015). "What a Nonverbal Ability Test Is ... and Isn't." (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, Jack A. (2013). "Nonverbal Assessment and Gifted Identification- Challenges, Solutions and the NNAT2." (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, Jack A. (2013). "Identification of Gifted Minority Students- A Simple Solution". (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J. A. (2008). NNAT2 Home Report Sample. Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test – 2nd Edition. San Antonio, TX- Pearson. (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J. A. (2008). NNAT2 Home Report Sample. Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test – 2nd Edition. San Antonio, TX- Pearson. (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J. A. (2008). Master List Sample. Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test – 2nd Edition. San Antonio, TX- Pearson. (pdf)
DownloadNNAT3 Manual (pdf)
DownloadNaglieri, J.A. (2010). Wechsler Nonverbal Scale of Ability (pdf)
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